How to Clean Your Pottery Barn Slipcovered Sofa: Housewife Corner
Mastering the Care of White Slipcovered Couches
Transforming your living space while managing the demands of family life can be quite challenging, especially when it involves keeping white furniture clean. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to maintain cleanliness and elegance with your white slipcovered sofas, even in a bustling household.

As you may have guessed, I’m absolutely in love with our Pottery Barn white sofas. They allow me to refresh the living room decor effortlessly with just a few budget-friendly throw pillows. I’m a huge fan of color, and white sofas provide the perfect backdrop for exploring various hues in my decor without being tied to a singular style! You can delve deeper into my philosophy on this in my post, “Why White Is the Best Choice When You Love Decorating With Color.”
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So why would I choose white couches with a household full of kids and pets?
People often think we’re out of our minds for having white couches, given that we have five kids and countless pets! While we may indeed be a bit unconventional, choosing white slipcovered couches is truly a stroke of genius.
The secret to success lies in their slipcovers.
Every visible part is washable! Moreover, these are high-quality sofas that hold up remarkably well.

I understand that Pottery Barn may not be within everyone’s budget. However, investing in quality furniture for your home is worthwhile and can ultimately save you money in the long run. Each piece of Pottery Barn furniture we’ve acquired has performed exceptionally well in our busy household of seven, in addition to our pets! Previously, we found ourselves replacing furniture every few years, but upgrading to quality items has definitely paid off, even if it meant purchasing them gradually.
Pottery Barn Slipcovered Sofas
I own two Pottery Barn Comfort Roll Arm Slipcovered Sofas in Warm White Denim. I realize that these may not be budget-friendly options; it took me considerable time to save for these beauties. It’s a case of getting what you pay for—they’re incredibly well-constructed and sturdy. The best part? They’re washable! These sofas are the kind that could last a lifetime.
In the past, I’ve bought sofas from big-box furniture stores that fell apart or became filthy after just a few years of use. The ability to wash my couches is nothing short of amazing!
If you’re in the market for a slipcovered couch but Pottery Barn isn’t an option, consider alternatives like IKEA or Birch Lane. While I can’t speak to their durability, I’ve heard positive feedback from others who own these couches.
Clean Your Space!
Here is a list of items you can use to keep your home tidy.
Featured Items
Explore the products featured in this post:
- Slipcovered Sofas: The slipcovered sofas highlighted in this article. With Warm White Denim slipcovers, they are perfect for families with young children and pets.
- Decorative Throw Pillows: Add vibrancy and style to your sofas by swapping in decorative throw pillows.
- Colorful Throw Blankets: A fab way to inject more color into your space, throw blankets can take your sofa decor to the next level.
- Powerful Stain Remover: For tough stains, this stain remover is my go-to. It even saved a brand-new pajama from my son’s nosebleed.
- Powerful Vacuum: Designed to remove pet hair from all surfaces, it offers heavy-duty cleaning in a lightweight design.
- Scented Bleach: I use this product to refresh my sofas. However, please read the entire post before using bleach on slipcovers, as it may not be suitable for everyone.
- Heavy-Duty Laundry Detergent: This detergent packs a powerful punch when washing slipcovers.
- Fabric Softener: Include fabric softener sheets in your drying routine for soft and fresh-smelling covers.
10 Best Household Cleaning Products
Ready to streamline your cleaning process? Check out my Favorite Household Cleaning Products.
Now, let’s get back to cleaning those sofas!
How Do You Keep White Slipcover Couches Clean?
Many people ask me if maintaining them is easy. Yes, they do get stains and can become grimy. However, the beautiful part is that those stains and grime can be washed out! Given the plethora of questions I receive about how I keep my couches clean, I decided to document my cleaning process this summer, especially because my sofas were in desperate need of cleaning!

How The Slipcovers Looked After Eight Months of Grime
Exhibit A is Luna, our shy and skittish dog. Initially apprehensive, she has grown noticeably comfortable—and perhaps too cozy on my couch! Now, a simple “Luna!” from me sends her off, but the damage has been done after a night of slumber on my white sofa.
This little stain here? It’s from a plant sitting too close to the couch, and surprisingly, the plant is still alive. Miraculous considering my track record with plants!
I’ve been known to “accidentally” neglect them.
Nonetheless, the stains can appear quite stubborn at times!
Check out this photo that illustrates a whopping eight months of assembled grime. Yuck!
Before finishing the cleaning process, I wanted to showcase the drastic difference between a clean cover and another that isn’t. Read on to discover how I transformed my couches from grimy to sparkling clean!
Washing Pottery Barn Slipcovers
A word of caution: Pottery Barn provides specific care instructions for their slipcovered couches.
While I don’t strictly adhere to their guidelines (yes, I know I’m a bit rebellious!), I’ve developed a reliable cleaning method over the years that has proven effective for me, even when dealing with those tough stains that their recommendations couldn’t touch.
How You’re Supposed To Wash Your Pottery Barn Slipcovers
If you want to be entirely sure of preserving your couches, you should certainly follow their care instructions. Below is the proper method directly from Pottery Barn:

OMG! My Hubby Bleached My Couch! And How It Changed the Way I Wash My Slipcovers
I generally wash our slipcovers every few months, but there have been stretches where I didn’t get around to it for over six months. Just picture a pair of beautiful white couches used as playgrounds for kids and beds for pets over that period—I can assure you the grime build-up was considerable.
After that extended neglect, we returned to Pottery Barn’s cleaning method; however, some stains persisted despite our efforts. I was a bit disheartened, but with minimal visible smudging, we made do by flipping the cushions to mask imperfections.
On the next wash, the situation had escalated. This time I faced a chocolate stain, a muddy shoe print, and a few other unsightly spots. My husband had a plan: to soak the covers in advance to diminish the stains. What he didn’t share with me was that he had infused the water with bleach. Gasp!
The Results?
They turned out unexpectedly fantastic!
The sofas looked as good as new. This method is now my standard for washing them. Please note, I’m not recommending this approach universally; use it at your own discretion. My experience is primarily with denim slipcovers in Warm White. I can’t guarantee the same outcome with other materials.
Despite my wariness about using bleach, I have not found any evidence of damage, such as discoloration or wear on the zippers. In fact, after bleaching, the slipcovers take on a whiter appearance than their original Warm White, which I appreciate. And, as is customary, it’s only a matter of time before I find gunk on them again thanks to the kids and Luna!
How I Wash My Pottery Barn Slipcovers
Disclaimer: While this process works for me, it’s important to note that I do not recommend this to anyone else. This information is shared solely for illustrative purposes, and you proceed at your own risk.
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of my process:
Spot Cleaning and Removing the Slipcovers
First, I thoroughly vacuum any pet (and human) hair from the cushions, ensuring to lift them and clean up all the hidden remnants from snacking sessions (think Goldfish, M&Ms, cookies, etc.). Often, I stumble across long-lost toys or Lego pieces! The point is, I want to ensure that I clean every possible surface before I soak them, as crumbs and hair floating in the water is undesirable.
Next, I treat any noticeable stains with Shout Triple-Acting Stain Remover Spray, like the stain from the plant incident.
After that, I carefully remove all covers and stockpile the cushions on the couch.
Soaking the Slipcovers and Cushion Covers
I proceed to fill the tub with 16 gallons of hot water.
How to Easily Measure Water in a Tub
To determine the volume of water needed for 16 gallons, follow these steps:
- Obtain a 1-gallon pitcher.
- Fully turn on the water faucet (I only used the hot water for this).
- Time how long it takes to fill the pitcher.
- Multiply that time by 16 to fill your tub.
For instance, it took 15 seconds to fill a gallon, so I let the faucet run for 4 minutes to fill the tub.
I add one gallon of bleach (a 16:1 water-to-bleach ratio) to the water.
To avoid overcrowding, I soak the slipcovers in four groups:
- First, I place only the cushion covers from the first couch in the tub.
- After they soak for a few hours, I remove and wash them.
- I then add the slipcover for the first couch, letting it soak for a few hours as well.
- After that, I repeat the same process for the second couch.
It’s important to ensure everything is fully submerged.
I let each group soak for 3 to 4 hours, occasionally giving them a stir to guarantee an even soak.
Washing and Drying the Slipcovers and Cushion Covers
I then wring out the covers, transport them in a laundry basket to the laundry room, and make sure to unfurl the covers and zip the zippers before washing them.
I add both liquid detergent and additional bleach to the washing machine, filling it to the MAX line.
The washer is set to HOT water temperature. Yes, that’s right!
Will the covers shrink? Read on for the answer.
Once the cycle is complete, I put the covers in the dryer using the sensor on my LG dryer. Surprisingly, it stops before they are fully dry, which is advantageous because I prefer to reapply them while slightly damp.
Placing the Slipcovers Back on the Sofas
As mentioned earlier, I put the damp covers back on the couches to minimize wrinkling.
Did they shrink?
Despite my worries, the denim holds up well, and the fit remains perfect!
Beautiful Clean White Slipcover Couches
As expected, the couches came out looking stunning. No more grime, and that bothersome plant stain vanished!

Now, it’s time for the fun part—decorating!

And that is how I maintain my couches! I can only imagine an employee from Pottery Barn reading this and cringing over my bleach washing method!
Years of service from these couches is a testament to their quality. Without my cleaning routine, they would’ve been ruined long ago! Time will tell how they endure, but they were already in desperate need of upkeep!
Would I use this method on brand-new covers? Probably not. I’d stick to recommended cleaning practices until they reached a point of necessity. Apologies to Pottery Barn for not adhering strictly to their guidelines!
Hopefully, this post has provided some helpful insights! For those of you with slipcovered couches, how do you manage your cleaning? Share your tips in the comments!
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